Friday, September 4, 2009


Criterion IV Infrastructure and Learning Resources



4.1 Physical Facilities


4.1.1 What are the infrastructure facilities available for:


  1. Academic activities?

The College has good room space for conducting classes and related academic activities, including seminar halls equipped with LCD projectors and laboratories with advanced equipments. Apart from these the following facilities are present which augment the academic activities:

  • Online Education and Research Centre (OERC) with sufficient computers to enable Post Graduate and M.Phil Students and Research Scholars to carry out their academic activities in an efficient manner.
  • Edusat enabled hall that enables the students to participate in country wide class rooms delivered through satellite.
  • Department libraries and a General library to cater to the reference needs of the student community.
  • Computer laboratories with internet connection in the departments for the benefit of the students.
  • Career Guidance and Placement Cell to motivate and guide the students to gainful employment after studies.
  • Grievance Redressal Cell to address the various problems faced by the students during teaching-learning process.
  • A Centre for providing coaching for the UPSC Civil Services Examination.
  • Botanical garden with a good collection of plants.


  1. Co-curricular activities?

        National Cadet Corps (NCC), National Service Scheme (NSS) and Indian Naval units provide students with opportunities to personality development and promote the cause of Nation building.

        Womens' Study Unit is a platform available for students and staff to undergo informal education and training in different fields.

        Anti Ragging Cell of the College organizes programmes to impart awareness about the adverse effects of ragging.

        The Alumni Association of the College gives opportunities to the former students to take part in the developmental activities of the college.

  1. Extra –curricular activities and sports?

The College has good facilities for Extra curricular activities and sports.

     Nature club, Drama club and Weekly forums for student personality development provide avenues for extra curricular activities.

The College has facilities for giving training to students in the following sports and games:

  • Handball
  • Volley ball
  • Hockey


4.1.2 Enclose the Master Plan of the college campus indicating the existing physical infrastructure and the projected future expansions.

    a. Existing infrastructural facilities

The College, located in the heart of Trivandrum city, has a total area of 10.62 acres spread out in two blocks on either side of the arterial M.G Road. There are a total of 16 blocks of buildings housing the 23 Teaching Departments and a General Library. There are a total of 86 class rooms apart from laboratories, libraries and computer rooms. Other physical infrastructural facilities of the college include a Computer Centre with a total of ---------computers, Online Education and Research Centre with a total of ----------computers that are connected to the internet, an air conditioned hall with facilities for participating in Edusat programmes, two auditoriums of which one has a capacity to seat persons and rooms for NCC, NSS and Naval units. Facilities for students' amenities include a canteen, ladies waiting block housed in a two storeyed building with -------- rooms and toilets and a room for the College Union.

    b. Projected future expansion

    The College experiences scarcity of space for new constructions. However, there are plans to convert the tiled block in the Southern part into a two storey building and also to construct an additional floor above the Islamic History block. These are subject to evaluation reports of the Public Works Department, Government of Kerala, the department responsible for construction activities of Government buildings.

  1. Has the institution augmented the infrastructure to keep pace with its academic growth? If yes, specify the facilities and the amount spent during the last five years.

        Yes, the College has raised the level of infrastructure to keep pace with its academic growth. These include:

  • In the area of e enabling education and educational administration, the college has spent Rs.----------------- for purchasing computers, software and computer peripherals.
  • The college has now a modern language laboratory that has been constructed at a cost of Rs----------------- and having -------------
  • New computer labs have been set up in the departments of Mathematics, Statistics,---------------------------with a total expenditure of ----------------------
  • A fully air-conditioned hall with Satellite Connectivity has been constructed for enabling participation in Edusat programmes.
  • General Library has been upgraded by the acquisition of computers, printers and photo copy machine.


Towards raising the level of student amenities in the College, the infrastructural facilities have been improved as mentioned below:


  • Improvement of the facilities in the ladies waiting room
  • Construction of a new levorotary for boys


  1. Does the institution provide facilities like common room, separate rest rooms for women students and staff?

        Yes, the institution has a two storeyed building having ------------rooms, toilets and rest facilities for women students and staff.

  2. How does the institution plan and ensure that the available infrastructure is optimally utilized?

        The house committee of the institution deals with the utilization of space for academic and co curricular activities. The institution also caters to the academic needs of different institutions such as the Institution of Distance Education, University of Kerala.

  3. How does the institution ensure that the infrastructure facilities meet the requirements of the differently-abled students?

4.2 Maintenance of Infrastructure


4.2.1 What is the budget allocation for the maintenance of (last year's data)

  1. Land?
  2. Building?
  3. Furniture?
  4. Equipment?
  5. Computers?
  6. Vehicles?


  1. How does the institution ensure optimal utilization of budget allocated for various activities?

        The College Council is the apex body of the institution that plans and executes developmental activities. The CDC (College Development Committee) chaired by the District Collector meet periodically to ensure that the budget allocated for Development is utilized properly.

  2. Does the institution appoint staff for maintenance and repair? If not, how are the infrastructure facilities, services and equipment maintained?

        The institution is owned by the Government of Kerala and hence the major maintenance and repair works are carried out through the Public Works Department of the Government. However, minor and most urgent repair works are done using the available PTA and CDC funds by appointing ad hoc workers. The computers of the OERC and those of the Departments that are part of the LAN are maintained through an annual maintenance contract with an approved agency utilizing the PTA funds.

4.3 Library as a Learning Resource

4.3.1 Does the library have a Library Advisory Committee? What are its major responsibilities?

     Yes, there is a Library Advisory Committee for the College in which there are 22 members of the College Council including the Librarian. The Committee plans developmental activities of the library including library expansion, purchase of new books and periodicals and library reforms.     

  1. How does the library ensure access, use and security of materials?

    The General Library has a total of 22, 512 books of which 3082 belong to the reference category. The books are available for students for reading and borrowing. Computer in the Library with internet connection is also available for the use of the students. The books are kept in rooms with sufficient security and the team of staff takes care of them. Besides, the library offers several add on services such as email alerts about subject specific articles and papers to the teaching staff.

  2. What are the various support facilities available in the library? (Computers, internet, band width, reprographic facilities etc.)

    The library has a total of 6 computers which are connected to a broad band internet connection having a bandwidth of 2 Mbps. There is a photocopying machine and computer printer.

  3. How does the library ensure purchase and use of current titles, important journals and other reading materials? Specify the amount spent on new books and journals during the last five years.

    The library has a Purchase Committee which acquires books for the General library and the Department libraries. The selection of current titles and other reading materials is made by subject specialists of the individual departments. A total of Rs. has been spent for the purchase of new books during the last five years.

  4. Give details on the access of the on-line and Internet services in the library to the students and faculty? (Hours, frequency of use, subscriptions, licensed software etc.,).

    Library offers internet services to students and staff. There are no specified hours for internet usage in the library. However, students are encouraged to use the internet facilities during lunch hours and other non class hours. A Knowledge Portal, is being maintained by the Librarian for the benefit of students and staff. This portal serves as a gateway for the dissemination of open source journals and e books that are classified on the basis of subject.

  5. Are the library services computerized? If yes, to what extent?

The library is computerized and efforts are on to deliver library services in an online manner. Email alerts about subject specific articles and papers are provided by the library for the benefit of faculty members. The library has initiated the process of digitization of books. As a pilot phase the library has started digitizing heritage books under a 1 Lakh project utilizing the plan funds.

The library is in the process of converting its Catalogue of books into a digital mode, a step in the direction of automation of library services. For this a software called 'Software for University Library' (SOUL) has been acquired and the work in this direction is on.

  1. Does the institution make use of INFLIBNET / DELNET/IUC facilities? If yes, give details.

    No the library does not provide these facilities at present.

  2. What initiatives are taken by the library staff to enrich the faculty and students with its latest acquisitions?

    General Library assists the Departmental Libraries in the procuring of new books. Subject specific books that are purchased by the Departments are displayed in the Department libraries as new arrivals.

  3. Does the library have interlibrary borrowing facility? If yes, give details of the facility

    No the library doesn't have that facility.

    4.3.10 What are the special facilities offered by the library to the visually- and physically- Challenged persons?

        The library doesn't have any special arrangements for the mentioned class of persons at present.

  1. List the infrastructural development of the library over the last two years

    The library has over the last two years acquired computers and reprographic facilities.

  2. What other information services are provided by the library to its users?

    Other than whatever listed above, the General library assists the faculty and students in accessing the online versions of subject specific books and journals.

4.4 ICT as Learning Resources

4.4.1 Does the Institution have up-to-date computer facility? If yes, give details on the available hardware and software (Number of computers, computer-students ratio, stand alone facility, LAN facility, configuration, licenced software etc.)

        Teaching departments, libraries and office have up to date computer facility. Moreover, there is an Online Education and Research Centre (OERC) having 28 computers, two printers, one scanner and an LCD projector and a language laboratory with 11 computers with necessary softwares. Computers of the teaching Departments and the office are interconnected using LAN with the Server placed in the OERC. The Windows and Server softwares are licenced.

There are a total of ---------computers and the computer-students ratio is -----------.

  1. Is there a central computing facility? If yes, how is it utilized for staff to students?

The Online Education and Research Centre serves as a central computing facility for the college which offers computing and internet services to staff and students. CD writing of downloaded documents is another facility being offered by the OERC. The LCD projector in the OERC is used for giving demonstration classes to staff and students in computer skills.

  1. How are the faculty facilitated to prepare computer-aided teaching/ learning materials? What are the facilities available in the college for such efforts?

    The IQAC organizes programmes to motivate teachers to prepared computer aided teaching/learning materials, mostly using open softwares and tools. The OERC also supports these endeavors by providing infrastructural support. The Department of Geology, for example has a fully developed Audio-Visual laboratory which is effectively used for Teaching/Learning activities. Teachers engage Multimedia classes for teaching concepts that involve complex visualizations and Post Graduate student Seminar presentations take place in the laboratory using computer and LCD projector.

  2. Does the Institution have a website? How frequently is it updated? Give details.

    The College has a website----------------------------------------- which is updated frequently.

  3. How often does the institution plan and upgrade its computer systems? What is the provision made in the annual budget for update, deployment and maintenance of the computers in the institution?

    Most of the updation and maintenance of the computers are done with the help of special funds ear marked for the purpose by the Director of Collegiate Education and the Government of Kerala. The PTA provides assistance to the teaching Departments for carrying out minor maintenance and updation works of its computers.

  4. How are the computers and their accessories maintained? (AMC etc.)

    The Computers of the OERC, the Language laboratory and the Department computers that are part of the LAN are serviced and maintained through an Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) signed with ---------------------------------.

4.5 Other Facilities

4.5.1 Give details of the following facilities:

  1. Capacity of the hostels (to be given separately for boys and Girls)

        There is no separate hostel for the College. The students mostly avail the hostel facilities of the University of Kerala.

  1. Occupancy N.A.
  2. Rooms in the hostel N.A.
  3. Recreational facilities


    The two auditoriums provide venues for recreational activities for students and staff. The Staff Club of the College, comprising the Teaching faculty organizes get together in connection with annual festivals and retirement of teachers. Talks, Cultural programmes and feast are part of such functions. The Student union organizes cultural programmes such as Arts Fest, Film Fest and special celebrations to mark national festivals.

  4. Sports and Games (Indoor and Outdoor) facilities

    The College has a large play ground in the front separate courts for Volley ball, Foot ball and Base ball. For Indoor games and other events the students utilize the nearby University Stadium. The College play ground is utilized for sports and games competitions.

    1. Health and Hygiene (Health Care centre, Ambulance, Nurse, Qualified Doctor) (full time/ part time etc.)

      The College doesn't have separate facilities for Health Care as its Staff and Students are entitled to use the well equipped University Health Centre that is in the adjacent compound across the road.

      The National Service Scheme and the National Cadets Corps units of the College engage in health care activities such as voluntary blood donation (the college is one of the active blood donating institutions of the city) and organizing health awareness programmes.

    1. How does the institution ensure participation of women in intra-and inter- institutional sports competitions and cultural activities?

      The College has a Womens' Study unit that promotes participation of women in main stream activities of the College. Some of the programmes such as the Annual Legal Literacy Classes are held in association with the Womens' Study unit. Besides, the unit organizes its own programmes aimed at Women empowerment, Self employment and Cultural development.

    2. Give details of the common facilities available with the Institution (Staff room, day care centre, common room for students, rest rooms, health centre, vehicle parking, guest house, Canteen, telephone, internet cafe, transport, drinking water etc.).

      The institution offers common facilities to lady staff and students for rest, a Canteen for staff and students, PTA room with facilities for photocopying and telephone and a play ground.

4.6 Best Practices in Infrastructure and Learning Resources

4.6.1 What innovations/best practices in 'Infrastructure and Learning Resources' are in vogue or adopted/adapted by the institution?

    The institution has adapted best practices such as the usage of Educational Technology in its academic activities, computerized attendance system, computerized admission system for Undergraduate Programs, use of Edusat facilities for enriching Teaching/Learning (Teachers of the College serve as resource persons for Edusat Classes) and the use of Online Education and Research Centre for learning and research.

4.7. For Re-accreditation

  1. Evaluative observations made in the previous assessment report and action taken on them

a. Existing infrastructure and manpower both in Arts and Science Departments may be fully utilized for developing interdisciplinary areas such as Mass Media, Journalism, teaching of Functional Arabic, Environmental Science, Plant Biotechnology/Molecular Biology, Industrial Chemistry, Informatics etc. Initially Government Support could be sought to the Development of strong competencies in these upcoming areas.

The institution has started three Add on courses for the Degree Programmes. These are Functional Arabic, Tourism and -------------------. Similarly, the institution has a new Department for Biochemistry and it is in the process of development.

  1. With the huge amount of research findings generated, it would be a fruitful exercise to Consolidate the same on the basis of an appropriate framework. It is highly commendable that some research products find application at the empirical level. But efforts are needed in the dissemination of the research findings.
  2. Computerization of the Library and administration need to be carried out expeditiously.Both the Library and administration have been computerized. The Library offers various services to the students and staff such as Email alerts about Current contents in specific areas and internet browsing. A project is on to digitize the books belonging to the Heritage Category. Efforts are on to automate library services. The administration is now computerized as well as connected to the LAN. Office staff is being trained in Office automation in order to accelerate the process of change.

4.7.2. What are the other quality sustenance and enhancement measures undertaken by the institution since the previous Assessment and Accreditation with regard to Infrastructure and Learning Resources?

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