Monday, August 31, 2009


Criterion II Teaching- Learning – Evaluation

The Government of Kerala appoints teachers to colleges through the Public Service Commission, its official recruiting agency. The rules for admission and number of seats available in each courses are usually conveyed to the students through the college calendar/prospectus. Admission to various courses are based on Merit in the qualifying examination except for M.Phil course for which admission is base on 50:50 credits to qualifying examination and entrance examination.

Assignments, Seminars and Class tests were held as the course progresses. At the end of each academic year, a model examination, funded by the PTA, is conducted. Progress Reports are sent to the parents and a joint session of the teachers, parents and wards is organised to evaluate the performance of students and to take remedial measures if needed. The class-wise P T A is unique feature of this college, where the parents and teachers meet to assess the progress of the students.

The college has a tutorial system under which a set of students is assigned to a group tutor. The system facilitates better interaction between the students and teachers. Four to Five hours were aside weekly for this purpose.

At the end of every academic year, a comprehensive self-appraisal is made by the teachers in the prescribed format and the same is sent to the Director of Collegiate Education after due verification.

The teachers of this college often take up academic assignments. They act as resource persons, course-writers, question paper setters, external examiners, etc.The college principal is empowered to appoint guest lecturers in the event of posts falling vacant consequent upon retirement or other such contingencies.

Criterion II: Teaching – Learning and Evaluation

2.1 Admission Process and Student Profile.

2.1.1 How does the institution ensure wide publicity to the admission process?

University in General give wide publicity to the admission process through its website and News papers. College also ensures publicity to the admission process through, Prospectus, Institutional Website and advertisement in Regional/ National Newspapers. Students are free to apply for any course as per their choice and qualification by paying a nominal amount for the application form. The application forms will be issued to the applicants from the date of the publication of the results of the qualifying examination.

2.1.2 How are the students selected for admission to the following courses? Give the Cut- off percentage for admission at the entry level ?

a) General

  1. Professional
  2. Vocational

Admission to various courses are based on Merit at the qualifying examination Except for M.phil course for which the admission is based on 50:50 credits to qualifying examination and an entrance examination conducted by the college. The process of admission in UG level is fully computerized. A College level Admission committee constituted by the college council will monitor the admission process.

There are some restrictions on the admission of Girl students. They are admitted to all PG, M.Phil and Ph.D programmes and in 10 UG Courses. In the remaining 8 UG Courses only 30% seats are reserved for Girl students. There is no cut-off percentage for admission to degree courses. Minimum 50% marks for the qualifying examination is necessary for the admission to PG and M.Phil courses in the general category with relaxation to SC/ST candidates.

2.1.3. How
does the Institution ensure transparency in the Admission process?

The college strictly follows the rules laid down by both the university and the government of Kerala to ensure the transparency of the admission procedure. Duly filled in application forms are sorted and rank list is published accordingly. The rank list shall be prepared by the admission committee in UG level and department admission committee in the case of PG & M.Phil courses.

2.1.4 How do you promote access to ensure equity?

a) Students from disadvantaged community

b) Women

c) Differently-abled

d) Economically-weaker sections

e) Sports persons

f) Any other (specify)

The college adheres to the reservation policy laid down by the government to provide access to students from disadvantaged sections of the society. 50% of the seats on General Merit, 15% seats reserved for SC and 5% seats reserved for ST categories ,20% seats for OBC and 10% seats for BPL section .Sports person, Physically challenged candidates and sections of Linguistic minority will get their due share in admission. The college reserves one seat each in the UG and PG programs for students with out-standing records in sports and games.


One percent (1%) of the seats in Degree Courses shall be reserved for each of the three sections of the physically handicapped viz. the deaf and the orthopedically handicapped with provision for interchange of seats if candidates are not available in a particular total percentage in this respect is 3%. The physically handicapped candidates should have a certificate of a Civil Surgeon indicating the percentage of their disability.

Admission of SC/ST, OBC/ Socially and Economically Backward Community students to various courses. 15 % of the sanctioned number of seats shall be reserved for SC applicants and 5% for ST candidates. 5% of the total seats in PG & M.Pil courses are reserved for S.E.B.C. candidates subject to the condition that annual income of the parent/guardian is below: Rs.42,000/-.There may be a possibility that some seats reserved either for SC and ST may remain unfilled. In such cases, the unfilled seats reserved for SC will be filled up from among ST candidates and vice versa.

Reservation - Sports Quota

One seat in each degree course for outstanding performance in sports and games.

One seat for every 20 seats in P.G course.

Where the number of seats in less than 20 for a subject, the seats may be pooled together, treating. M.A. and M.Sc separately.

Where the number of seats is still less than 15 after such pooling all the P.G. courses may be pooled together.

A minimum of one seat shall be allowed if there are not sufficient seats.

The applicants for sports seat should have represented at least the District Sports Zone. Preference will be given to those who have represented at the National and State level. The applicant will have to produce the certificate from the Hon. Secretary of the State Association of the event concerned.

2.2 Catering to Diverse Needs

2.2.1 Is there a provision for assessing the students' knowledge and skills before the commencement of the programme? If yes, give details on the strategies of the institution to bridge the knowledge gap of the incoming students for enabling them to cope with the programme to which they are enrolled.

At present there is no common programme to assess a student's knowledge and skills before the commencement of course. Immediately after the commencement of classes, the concerned tutors will have interactive sessions with the students to identify their knowledge and skills as well as their drawbacks in academic and extracurricular activities and will give due attention and guidance to improve them.

2.2.2 How does the institution identify slow and advanced learners? Give details on the strategies adopted for facilitating slow and advanced learners

The following strategies are adopted to facilitate slow learners.

2.2.3 Does the institution have a provision for tutorials for the students? If yes, give details.

There are 4 to 5 hours per week as tutorial. Various activities like counseling of problem students, career guidance, debates, quizzes and personality development are conducted to motivate and inspire the students.

2.2.4 Is there a provision for mentoring of students or any similar process? If yes, give details.

Active support from former professors and Alumni, help a lot in mentoring the students. Planned mentoring and tutor ward system for academic and personal development. Mentoring leads to better attitude towards the Dept. and future, decreased likelihood of initiating drug or alcohol use, improved academic performance and more positive relationships with friends and family.

Tutorial sessions and personal attention inside and outside the campus helps to cater the needs of differently-abled students.

2.3 Teaching -Learning Process

2.3.1 How does the institution plan and organize the teaching-learning and evaluation?

University College is affiliated to Kerala University and has to adhere to the academic calendar published by the University. At the beginning of each academic year, faculty meetings are held in all the departments and an academic programme (based on the academic calendar of the university) for the year/semester is prepared in consultation with the Principal.

2.3.2 What are the various teaching- learning methods (lecture method, interactive method, project-based learning, computer-assisted learning, experiential learning, seminars and others) used by the teachers? Give details.

Members of the faculty encourage the students to acquire knowledge in different ways. Thus inter active learning takes place thorough field work, study tours, group discussions, outdoor-camps, quizzes, workshops audiovisual methods and so on. ) Group discussion, debates and seminars are conducted in both UG and PG classes in which students present papers.

Extension lectures by academic scholars and literary personalities, Folk performances and lecture demonstrations of classical art forms are often offered to the students.

  1. At present the college has a teacher-centered-pedagogy in graduate level. In PG level we are shifted to student-centered-pedagogy with the active participation of students in project works, field trips, seminars and discussions.

    2.3.4 How does the institution ensure that the students have effective learning experiences?

    (Use of modern teaching aids and tools like computers, audio-visuals multi-media, ICT, CAL , Internet and other information /materials)

    . Computer assisted learning has been introduced in some departments. Facilities such as LCD Projector, OHP, Computer and Internet are being used for teaching and learning in the departments where such facilities are available. The establishment of Language Laboratory and Edusat Centre has helped the students to keep pace with modern technology in learning process.

2.3.5 How do the students and faculty keep pace with the recent developments in the various subjects?

To keep abreast of the new developments in the respective areas of specialization, teachers, PG & M.Phil students and researchers were encouraged to attend seminars/workshops/conferences and to attend refresher/orientation courses organized by other universities and institutions of the country and abroad (details are given in the department profile).

2.3.6 Are there departmental libraries for the use of faculty and students? If yes, how effectively are they used for the enhancement of teaching and learning?

There is a general library which caters the needs in general to the students and the staff. At present the General Library is housed in the Chemistry-Geography block. Library is open to all students and members of staff of the college.
Apart from the central library, there are also exclusive department libraries. Sectional Libraries are attached to the Departments and are under the control of a Faculty Member of the concerned Department.

2.3.7 Has the institution introduced evaluation of the teachers by students? If yes, how is the feedback analyzed and implemented for the improvement of teaching?

Each department has a system for the evaluation of teachers by students, through a feedback mechanism. This is carried out at the end of the course in UG level and at the end of second and fourth semesters in PG level. Based on the report from such feedbacks, appropriate action will be initiated by the principal to improve the quality of teaching. A report is prepared based on the feedback of the students on curriculum, course contents and other aspects of teaching-learning and appropriate action is taken to improve the quality of the academic programme.

2.4 Teacher Quality

2.4.1 How are the members of the faculty selected? Does the college have the required number of qualified and competent teachers to handle all the courses? If not, how does the institution cope with the requirements?

The faculty members are appointed by The Public service Commission of Kerala as per the norms laid down by the U.G.C., The state government and the university. NET is essential for applying lecturer post.The process involves a written examination followed by an interview of the successful candidates in the exam. Merit is the only criterion of appointment. Many of the teachers are university rank holders and quite a few are PhD/ .M. Phil holders even before the appointment.

Presently [academic year 2007-2008] the college is almost sufficient in faculty strength. If the required number of faculty is not available; the college has provision for appointing guest faculty on a temporary basis. These temporary appointments are done strictly on the basis of merit and the vacancies are notified through local news dailies.

2.4.2 How does the college appoint additional faculty to teach new programmes/ modern areas of study (Biotechnology, IT, Bioinformatics etc.)? How many such appointments were made during the last three years?

The principal appoints guest lecturers as per the guidelines of the government and U.G.C. to handle new programmes where permanent posts are not sanctioned by the Govt.

Less than 5% of the total faculty strength

2.4.3 What efforts are made by the management for professional development of the faculty?
(eg: research grants, study leave, deputation to national/ international conferences/ seminars, training programmes, organizing national/ international conferences etc)? How many faculty have availed these facilities during the last three years?

During the last five years, University College teachers attended 127 refresher/orientation programmes and 42 of them have availed FIP for higher studies. More than 44% of them have acted as resource persons in various seminars/workshops/refresher courses. The college as a whole had organized 39 state/national level seminars/workshops, etc. (For department wise split up, refer to profile of the respective departments). Experts from other academic institutions were invited to share their experience and expertise with the teachers and students. More than 50 such lectures were conducted during the last two years.

2.4.4 Give details on the awards/ recognitions received by the faculty during the last five years?

Refer dept. profiles and consolidate

2.4.5 How often does the institution organize training programmes for the faculty in the use of?

a) Computers

b) Internet

c) Audio Visual Aids

d) Computer-Aided Packages

e) Material development for CAL, multi-media etc.

Short- term courses were organized for providing basic computer awareness to the faculty which is enthusiastically welcomed.

2.5 Evaluation Process and Reforms

2.5.1 How are the evaluation methods communicated to the students and other institutional members?

Students and other institutional members are given general instructions regarding the evaluation methods. The periodic instructions issued by the university are promptly communicated to the students. Such instructions are read in the classrooms and the copy of the same is displayed on the students' notice board. The tutors are entrusted with the duty of providing awareness among the students regarding this.

  1. Academic progress of the students is assessed through a series of class tests, seminars, assignments, model examinations and it is then communicated to the parents through PTA meetings. Internal assessment marks are published on the notice board at the end of each year (for UG courses) or semester (for PG courses).

    2.5.3 What is the mechanism for redressal of grievances regarding evaluation?

    Students are free to submit their complaints, if any, to the Grievances Readdressal Cell in the department, consisting of HOD and a senior faculty member. If their complaints are not addressed satisfactorily in the department, they can appeal to the college level committee. Further justice, if needed, can be had from the University level committee. Continuous assessment mark sheet has to be signed by the students before forwarding to the University.

  1. Setting of question papers, valuation of answer books and publication of results are carried out by the University. University is the sole authority for the implementation of reforms in examination and evaluation. Individual colleges don't have a say in this matter.

2.6.1 Detail any significant innovations in teaching /evaluation /learning introduced by the institution?

Departments, like Geology and Zoology have setup Audio-Visual labs and teachers use this facility to deliver PowerPoint based lecturers that utilize multimedia to explain complex concepts which require visualization. Additionally, OHP and Paxiscope are used in the Audio- Visual class room.

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