Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Criteria 3

Criterion III: Research, Consultancy and Extension



3.1 Promotion of Research

3.1.1 Is there a Research Committee to facilitate and monitor research activity? If yes, give details on its activities, major decisions taken (during last year) and composition of the Committee.


The Research Committee of the College encourages and motivates the teachers to submit research projects to various funding agencies. The committee also renders adequate help in the preparation of project proposals. The committee is involved in synchronizing and encouraging research activities carried out by the members of the faculty of various departments. The Principal of the college is presently the Chairman of the committee with the Head of the Departments of all Research Departments as members. Scrutiny and selection of various application for FIP programme and proposals for projects submitted by the members of the faculty are done by the committee. In addition to research committee at college level, most of the research Department maintains Departmental research committees.


  • Ongoing research projects worth Rs.2.5 crore funded by various national Agencies
  • More than 1000 research fellows actively engaged in research



  1. How does the institution promote faculty participation in research? (Providing seed money, research grants, leave, other facilities )


    College has established an Online Education and Research Centre [OERC] where e Journals, Research Report, e books and Computer facility are made available to the Research students as well as to the faculty. The college does not provide any seed money or research grants. But the faculty is encouraged for their research participation by giving study leave and by providing the available infrastructural facilities in each department. The college encourages the faculty to submit research proposals to various funding agencies. A Faculty Development and Research Cell functions in the college to motivate faculty and students, to under take projects, to organize and present papers in national and international seminars.

3.1.3. Does the institutional budget have a provision for research and development? If Yes, give detail


Being a Government college, the institution does not have its own budget. The State Government provides necessary provision for research and development in their budget. To the College The College can only extend its facilities to promote research, which it does interminably.


3.1.4    Does the institution promote participation of students in research activities? If yes, give details.


The institution promotes participation of students in research activities. Student participation in research is encouraged to some extent in all departments through research projects that form part of the evaluation process at the UG level. For the PG program, research projects carry credit equivalent to a full course in the curriculum. The students are encouraged to do this project in institutes outside also. The research aptitude is inculcated amidst PG students through project work. Currently the project work is taken up as an academic pursuit within the college. The M. Phil students are motivated so that they can continue their PhD programme in the institution itself.

  • Binitha RN of Zoology Dept won Young Scientist award in the Kerala Environmental Science Congress in 2007
  • Keerthi B Nair of Geology dept underwent training Indian Academy of Science Summer Intership programme at National Geophysical Research institute Hyderabad in 2007.
  • Jishnu B K and S V Sarath Prasanth underwent internship training in geomagnetism at Indian Institute of Geomagnetism, Bombay in 2008


3.1.5    . What are the major research facilities developed in the campus?

    Major research facilities developed on the campus include:

1. Internet connection is provided to all Departments by utilizing the fund from CPE /UGC, which help the research scholars to access e journals.

2. Modernization of research laboratories of Science Department at par with the Research Laboratories of near by Research Institute by utilizing funds from FIST programme of DST, Govt. of India, SARD facility of KSCSTE, Govt. of Kerala, PG, CPE and BSR assistance from UGC, Plan and nonplan fund from Govt. of Kerala, and assistance from Major and Minor Research projects etc

The institution have well equipped Molecular biology lab in Botany & Zoology Departments

3 The Science Departments have sophisticated instruments such as

  • UV visible spectrophotometer double beam [Perkin Elmer, USA] ,
  • High Speed refrigerated centrifuge [ Eppendorf, Germany],
  • Ultra low deepfreezer -860C [NBS, USA],
  • Thermomixer {Eppendorf, Germany},
  • PCR machine [Eppendorf , Germany & MJ, USA],
  • Electrophoretic unit & Blotting [ GE Health care, USA] ,
  • PCR cooler [[Eppendorf , Germany]
  • Binocular research microscope with digital camera [Leica, Germany]
  • Stereo microscope with digital camera [Labomed, USA]


4. Purchased of new books & Journals utilizing funds form different sources


  1. Give details of the initiatives taken by the institution for collaborative research (with national/ foreign Universities/ Research/Scientific organizations / Industries / NGOs).

The institution encourages the faculty to establish collaborative research work with near by research institutions and Departments of Universities.

The various Departments in the institution have collaborate research work with following research Institutions

International collaboration

1. King Faisal Centre for Research & Islamic studies, Saudi Arabia

National Collaboration

  1. Various Department s of University of Kerala
  2. VSSC, Trivandrum
  3. NIIST, Trivandrum
  4. RRC, Trivandrum
  5. RGCB, Trivandrum
  6. SCTIMST, Trivandrum
  7. CUSAT, Cochin
  8. IIT, Bombay


3.2 Research and Publication Output

3.2.1 Give details of the research guides and research students of the institution (Number of students registered for Ph. D. and M. Phil., fellowship/scholarship, funding agency, Ph. Ds and M. Phils awarded during the last five years, major achievements, etc.)


Name of Department 

No of Research


No of students registered for

Ph. D

No of Students Awarded P.hD

No of Students Registered for

M. Phil

No of Students Awarded

M. Phil





Five/ year 






Five/ year 






Five/ year 






Five/ year




Five/ year 




Twenty one 


Five/ year 




Five/ year 






Five/ year 






Five/ year 






Five/ year 






Five/ year 






Five/ year 

































Major achievements




3.2.2    Give details of the following:

a) Departments recognized as research centers Total Fourteen Departments


Zoology, Physics, Mathematics Chemistry, Botany, English, Malayalam, Hindi, History, Economics, Philosophy, Arabic, Tamil and Politics


b) Faculty recognized as research guides Total 33 Research guides


Dept          Name of research guide            No of students         No of students

Registered        awarded / submitted

Zoology        1. Dr. Francis Sunny                6            1

2. Dr. Susha Dayanandan                1

3. Dr. DA Evans                    1

4. Dr. V S Sugunan                5            3


Physics        5. Dr. Sobhana Warrier                6            1

6.Dr. T E Girish                     8            3


Chemistry    7. Dr. M L Harikumaran Fair            8            3

8. Dr. Sadasivan

Botany        9. Dr. T C Kishore Mohan                1

10. Dr. Murugan                    5

Philosophy     11. Dr. V Sujatha                    7             2


Psychology*    12. Dr. Rita Krishnan                5            2


Politics        13. Dr. G. Radhakrishna Kurup            3

14. Dr. V Muraleedharan Nair            1

15. Dr. V Swayamprabha                3

Geography*    16. Dr. T Neelakantan                5

17. Dr. R Anilkumar                9            4

Statistics*    18. Dr. Philip Samuel                1

Hindi        19. Dr. P J Sivakumar                6            3

20. Dr. M S Vinayachandran            6            2

21. Dr. Ganesh M                    4

22. Dr. B. Ashok                    4

23. Dr. Sreekala                    1

History        24. Dr. A Jadeeda                5

25. T Thulaseedharan Assary            1

26. Dr. M Noorjam Beevi                2

27. Dr. D Sivankutty                4            1

Arabic        28. Dr. Illyaskutty                    4

Tamil        29. Dr. S Rajendran                4            3

30. Dr. A Joseph Sornaraj                5            3

31. Dr. Nisha Raffi                2

30. Dr. R Rma Devi                 1

Malayalam    32.Dr. B V Sasikumar                5

33. B Balanandan                    5

Economics    34. Dr. R Pushpa Kumari                6            2

        35. Dr. R Raveedran Pillai                5            1


* Not recognized as research department

c. Priority area of Research



d. Ongoing Faculty Research Projects (minor and major projects, funding from
the Government, UGC, DST, CSIR, AICTE, Industry, NGO or International agencies)


Total Major projects 







Total Major projects 







Total Projects 








Details of Research projects


Name of the Dept & Name of teacher

Type of Project 

Present Status & Amount sanctioned



1. Dr. Francis Sunny


2 Major

1 Ongoing

Rs 20.65 lakhs

1 Completed

Rs 7.33 lakhs

KSCSTE, Govt of Kerala


UGC, New Delhi


2. Dr. Chandra Mohan

1 Minor 


UGC, Bangalore


3. Dr. M L Harikumaran Nair

4. Dr. Sreedhar







UGC, Bangalore


5. Dr. P R Sobhana Wariar


6. Dr. T E Girish


1 Major


1 Minor






KSCSTE, Govt of Kerala


UGC, Bangalore


7. Dr. V Sujatha


1 Major 






8. Dr. V Muralleedharan Nair


9. Dr. R K Sureh Kumar


10. Dr. V Swayamprabha




1 Minor


1 Minor



Rs0.5 lakhs


Rs 0.4 lakhs


Rs0.5 lakhs 


UGC, Bangalore


II DA, New Delhi


UGC, Bangalore 


11. Dr. Gangadhar




On going



KSCSTE, Govt. of Kerala 


12. Dr.R. Anilkumar


1 Major 




UGC, New Delhi 


13. Dr. Philip Samuel





Rs 0.55lakh 



UGC, Bangalore 


14. Dr. M S Vinayachandran


15. Dr. J Babu 







Rs 0.25 lakh


Rs0.50 lakh


UGC, Bangalore


UGC, Bangalore


16. Dr. A Jadeeeda


17. Dr. M. Noorjam Beevi


1 Major


1 Minor 



Rs 2.28 lakhs


Rs 0.4 lakh 


UGC, New Delhi


UGC, Bangalore


18. Dr. Vethasaygayakumar


19. Dr. M M Meeran Pillai


20. Dr. M. Nainar 


1 Major


1 Major


1 Major 









UGC, New Delhi


UGC, New Delhi


UGC, New Delhi


21. Dr. J Ebeneson


22. Dr. R Puspa Kumari


23. Dr. K C Mathew




24. Dr. R Raveedran Pillai 


1 Major


1 Minor


2 Minor




1 Minor 





Rs 0.32 lakh

1 Completed

Rs 0.2 lakhs

1 Ongoing

Rs 0.7 lakh


Rs 0.35 lakh


UGC, New Delhi 



e) Ongoing Student Research Projects (title, duration, funding agency, total funding received for the project).


  • Feroz M [Philosophy] – Ethics of recombinant DNA 2004 Completed ICPR
  • Leena KR [Philosophy ] – Ethics of Euthanasia – 2004 Completed ICPR
  1. What are the major achievements of the research activities of the institution (findings contributed to subject knowledge, to the Industry needs, community development, patents etc.)?


The Dept of Zoology, under leadership of Dr. Francis Sunny utilizing the financial assistance from DST, UGC and KSCSTE studied the impact of sewage effluents on a fresh water fish. The team revealed that the effluents seriously affect various physiological activities such as intermediary metabolism, osmoregulation in fish through disrupting the endocrine system. The effluents also resulted ovotestis in fish and demonstrated self fertilizing capacity of the ovotestis for the first time. The team also gave valuable information's on the hazards of using plastic bottles and other plastic material based on their studies in fish.

  1. Are there research papers published in refereed journals by the faculty? If yes, give details for the last five years including citation index and impact factor.

Yes, Total number of Publications in referred journals for the last five years        122


Name of faculty         Department        No of                  Impact factor


Dr. Francis Sunny         Zoology            3                >1

Dr. Francis Sunny                    3                < 1

Dr. V S Sugunan        Zoology            1                >1

Dr.M L Hari Kumaran Nair    Chemistry        14                < 1

Dr. T C Kishore Mohan        Botany            14                < 1

Dr. K. Murugan            Botany             18                < 1

Dr. V Sujatha            Philosophy        1                < 1

Dr. S. Rajendran        Tamil            5                < 1

Dr. Nisha Raffi            Tamil            6                < 1

Dr. R Rema Devi        Tamil            3                < 1

Dr. Jadeeda            History            2                < 1

Dr. M. Noorjam Beevi        History            3                < 1

Dr. J Siva Kumar        Hindi            5                < 1

Dr.M S Vvinayachandran        Hindi            7                < 1

Dr. Sreekala I            Hindi            2                < 1

Dr. Ganesh M            Hindi            2                < 1

Dr. Rita Krishnan         Psychology        1                < 1

Dr. K P Jaikiran            Geology            2                < 1

Dr.N Shinu            Geology            1                >1

Dr. G Radhakrishna Kurup    Politics    Science        4                < 1

Dr. V Muraleedharan Nair    Political     Science        7                < 1

Dr. R K Suresh kumar        Political Science        5                < 1

Dr.V Swayamprabha        Political Science        2                < 1

Dr. Sobhana Warriar        Physics

Dr. T E Girish             Physics            5                >1

Dr. Unnikrishan Nair        Physics            2                < 1

Dr. Philip Samuel         Statistics        7                < 1


  1. Give Details of publication of faculty


  1. Books

Dr. R Anil Kumar         Geography         1

Dr. V Sujatha            Philosophy        2

Dr. Francis Sunny        Zoology            1

Dr. v S Sugunan         Zoology            1

Sri. E. Kuhni Krishnan        Zoology            2

Dr. S Rajendran        Tamil            1

Dr. S Thulaseedharana Assary    History            1

Dr. P J Sivakumar         Hindi            1

Dr. V Muraleedharan Nair    Political Science        6

Dr. R K Suresh Kumar        Political Science        3


  1. Articles

Dr. R K Suresh Kumar        Political Science         12

Sri. E Kunhikrishanan        Zoology            6

Sri. D Mohana Kumar        Zoology            6


  1. Conferences/ Seminars proceedings

Dr. M L Harikuamaran Nair    Chemistry         3

Dr. TC Kishore Kumar         Botany            13

Dr. K Murugan            Botany            21

Dr. Francis Sunny        Zoology            15

Dr. V S Sugunan        Zoology            12

Sri. E KunhiKrishanan        Zoology            12

Sri. K. Aravind Krishnan        Zoology            4

Smt. Aruna Devi C        Zoology            2

Dr. T Neelakantan        Geography        7

Dr. V Sujatha             Philosophy        2

Dr. S Rajendran         Tamil            8

Dr. D Sivan Kutty        History            3

Dr. P J Sivakumar        Hindi            6

Dr. Sreekala i             Hindi            1

Dr. Ganesh M            Hindi            2

Dr. K P Jayakiran        Geology            2

Sri. E V Manoj            Geology            3

Dr. G Radhakrisha Kurup        Political Science        4

Dr. V Muraleedharan Nair    Political Science        4

Dr. Philip Samuel         Statistics        3

Dr. Rita Krishnan         Psychology        2



3.3 Consultancy

3.3.1    List the broad areas of consultancy services provided by the Institution during the last five years (free of cost and/or remunerative). Who are the beneficiaries of such consultancy?


Although several departments are willing to offer consultancy services, the same cannot be implemented on an official basis due to procedural snags and periodic transfer of faculty members. Still the following consultancy services are provided: All the consultancy services are open to the public and the students of the neighboring schools and colleges


  • Identification of animal and plant specimens
  • Consultancy on floriculture and mushroom cultivation
  • Consultancy on preparation of biological projects, teaching aids.
  • Consultancy on preparation of project proposal
  • Consultancy on preparation of SE & UC of Research Project
  • Consultancy on histopathology of micro slides
  • Consultancy on biological techniques for research work
  • Consultancy on Psychological testing



  1. How does the institution publicize the expertise available for consultancy services?

    There was a detailed write up in Malayalam as well as English news papers highlighting the available expertise.


3.3.3    How does the institution reward the staff for the consultation provided by them?

The same is done purely as a matter of service to the public.


  1. How does the institution utilize the revenue generated through consultancy services?




3.4 Extension Activities

3.4.1 How does the institution promote the participation of students and faculty in

extension activities? (NSS, NCC, YRC and other NGOs)

     Students and teachers of this college actively participate in extension activities.

  • Students of Psychology have participated in a research survey by All India Radio
  • Faculty of Psychology engaged in counseling

    The NCC army wing of the college is very vibrant. Students of the college have been successively selected to participate in competitive activities at the national level. Several students have attained entry into the armed services as commissioned officers. The NSS unit of the college has secured several prizes and trophies for the commendable services rendered to the community. A wide range of activities like community development, social work, health and hygiene, eye and blood donation, campus cleaning and beautification, AIDS awareness, etc. are regularly conducted by the college. The college organizes lectures, competitions, etc. to promote extension activities. NSS volunteers and NCC cadets are given grace marks in the University examinations. Compulsory Social Service (CSS) has also been made mandatory for the award of a Degree.

    Extension classes by the Dept of Sanskrit, Commerce, and Economics are conducted in the nearby schools. Counselling is given by our faculty Dr.Shobha Rani. Victoria Vision, the film club of the institution, produces campus films that aim at student's awareness on various social and campus related issues.




  1. What are the outreach programmes organized by the institution? How are they integrated with the academic curricula?

    The institution organizes all its outreach programs through the NSS and the NCC. The NCC cadets of the college have been in the forefront of activities. They have participated in social service activities like blood donation, eye donation motivation, anti-leprosy drive, AIDS awareness campaigns, etc. Some of our students have actively participated in the "Suchithwa Keralam-Sundara Keralam"

    Movement conducted by the Govt of Kerala.



  2. How does the institution promote college-neighborhood network in which students acquire attitude for service and training, contributive to community development?

        The annual ten-day camp of the NSS units of the college is usually held in villages where the students take part in community development activities like laying new roads, constructing new buildings etc. Some of the students are engaged in literacy programmes both in governmental and non-governmental organizations. Some of the students have actively participated in renovation of "Kalpathy River" organized by the river management committee. As a part of the curriculum social service has been made compulsory for the UG students. In this program, students are taken outside the campus to offer their services for the welfare of the community. A bus waiting shed has been constructed with the cash award received by the NSS for the year 1999-2000.


3.4.4    What are the initiatives taken by the institution to have a partnership with University / Research institutions / Industries / NGOs etc. for extension activities?

Proposals put before UGC are approved.


3.4.5    How has the local community benefited by the institution? (Contribution of the institution through various extension activities, outreach programmes, partnering with NGOs and GOs)

Students of the nearby institutions are given awareness classes on --------. A bus waiting shed has been constructed with the cash award received by the NSS for the year 1999-2000.



3.4.6    How has the institution involved the community in its extension activities?

(Community participation in institutional development, institution-community networking etc.)

Many of the members of NSS are active participants of PALAKKAD MUNNOT, a voluntary social organization that offer valuable services.T hey involved in cleaning Fort-Maidan or Bus Stand as part of the clean Palakkad activity, in association with the local bodies and Palakkad Munnot. Students have offered their valuable services in the Ban Plastic Campaign organized by Oisca International.



  1. Any awards or recognition received by the faculty / students / Institution for the extension activities?


  • Dr. V Muralledharan Nair UGC Doctoral award 2006
  • Dr. TE Girish presented papers in the international conference held at Greece in 2008
  • Dr.
  • Dr. Francis Sunny chaired a session in the international conference held at Hyderabad 2008 & Elected as Executive member, SRBCE



  • Smt. RN Binitha Research Scholar, Dept of Zoology, won Young scientist award in the Kerala Environmental Science Congress 2007
  • Keerthi B Nair of Geology dept underwent training Indian Academy of Science Summer Intership programme at National Geophysical Research institute Hyderabad in 2007.
  • Jishnu B K and S V Sarath Prasanth underwent internship training in geomagnetism at Indian Institute of Geomagnetism, Bombay in 2008




    VELLAM" for its community development activities instituted by


    MALAYALA MANORAMA. R.SANKAR AWARD was received by the NSS unit.


    The Campus Film LABENTER bagged the prestigious ALA AWARD.


3.5 Collaborations

3.5.1 Give details of the collaborative activities of the institution with the following organizations:

o    local bodies/ community

o     State offered

o     National

o     International

o     Industry

o     Service sector: In collaboration with the Health Dept. institution extends the whole hearted support for the Pulse Polio Immunization Programme. Blood Donation is also done whenever a situation demands it.

o     Agriculture sector

o     Administrative agencies

o    Any other (specify)



3.5.2 How has the institution benefited from the collaboration?

(a) Curriculum development

(b) Internship

(c) On-the-job training

(d) Faculty exchange and development

(e) Research

(f) Consultancy

(g) Extension

(h) Publication

(i) Student Placement


Curriculum development being within the purview of the University, the linkage does not benefit the college much in that area. Collaborations afford more opportunities for associate ships, attending seminars, workshops etc which aid in faculty development and exchange. Naturally linkages boost research by opening up avenues for collaborative work and result in the publications of co-authored papers.


  1. Does the institution have any MoU/ MoC / mutually beneficial agreements signed with

    A) Other academic institutions

    B) Industry

    C) Other agencies:

An alumnus of the college, Mr. Jayakrishnan, contributed 1700000 for the construction of Students Amenity Centre which is under construction.




3.6 Best Practices in Research, Consultancy and Extension

3.6.1 What are the significant innovations / good practices in Research, Consultancy and

Extension activities of the institution?

  • 14 Departments recognized as Research centers and have collaboration with National level research institute.
  • 12 Departments offer M. Phil courses, The only institution offers M. Phil Courses apart from Universities in the State
  • Most of the Research guides have publication of articles in refereed journals by most of the faculty having citation index and impact factor >1.
  • Some of the faculty members have citation index 13.
  • Faculty members presented paper / chaired scientific session in the international seminars abroad and In India
  • Students presenting paper in Science Congress and other National / International conferences
  • Significant contributions by teachers in the field of research, which helped them to publish papers in reupted International Journals .








  1. What were the evaluative observations made under Research, Consultancy and Extension in the previous assessment report and how have they been acted upon?


     In the previous assessment report it was observed that research is confined to the science departments of the college and that there is a need for the college to consciously cultivate a research culture amidst its arts faculty. Since ours is a Govt college, transfer of the Faculty affects the continuity of research.It may be noted that four members from the arts faculty have been awarded Ph.D and two members have already submitted their thesis.



  1. What are the other quality sustenance and enhancement measures undertaken by the institution since the previous Assessment and Accreditation with regard to Research, Consultancy and Extension?


    A Research Committee has been working actively in the college with a view to encourage research culture in the Depts.A Consultancy cell under the guidance of Dr Alicekutty, Headof the Dept. of Botany offers valuable services.











Awards and Recognition received by Faculty (last 5 years)




  1. Maya C Nair Ph.D. guide ship from Mahatma Gandhi University
  2. Dr. Subramaniyan S. Inclusion of name in "WHO's WHO in the world- (Biography) 






2 PhD 
























1 phd






1 phd 1 ongoing


1 ongoing


1 phd 2 thesis submitted 

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