Friday, September 4, 2009


Criterion VI: Governance and Leadership


6.1 Institutional Vision and Leadership

6.1.1     Vision of the institution

  • Mould students of the institution into well-meaning citizens of the nation through a socially committed, intellectually inclined, culture driven and future oriented paradigm of learning.
  • Empower the students to aspire for significantly contributing to the nation's development through socialist and secular strategies of instruction.


Mission Statement

  • The institution shall always strive to stride forward and keep pace with the changing needs and spirit of the times. It shall not lounge on its

    glorious past alone.

  • The College shall continue to foster talent and build on its rich repository of fame and prestige.
  • The institution shall continue to uphold its commitment to the nation in general and to the society in particular and perpetually strive to carry this out through a series of carefully crafted, tested and systematically executed steps of actions.
  • The University College shall spare no effort to continue to spread and further its academic potential as well as effulgence by providing conducive academic ambience for all classes of students and teachers.
  • The institution shall signify learning from the past, assimilating the present and planning for the future.


Give details on how the institution

  1. ensures that the vision and mission of the institution is in tune with the objectives of the Higher Education policies of the nation?

    The College is a Government institution and functions in accordance with the

    the Government policies on Education which in fact is tailor made to suit the Education policies of the nation. The administrative bodies of the institution as well as that of the Government having supervisory role, has established a system of checks and balances to ensure that the vision and mission are achieved.

  2. translates its vision statement into its activities?

    The Curricular and Co curricular activities of the institution which are directed towards the total development of the student personality are properly carried out and monitored by the teaching departments and the bodies such as the NCC, NSS, Navy, Women's Study unit and the different clubs.

  1. Enumerate the Management's commitment, leadership-role and involvement for effective and efficient transaction of the teaching-learning processes.

    The College is being managed by a hierarchy of officials and teachers from the government level to that of the institution. The Principal is the administrative head responsible for the management of the institution within the campus. With the support of the college administration and the College Council, the Principal ensures the involvement of all stakeholders in the effective and efficient transaction of the teaching-learning processes.


  1. How do the management and the Head of the institution ensure that responsibilities are defined and communicated to the staff of the institution?

    The administrative functions of the institution are carried out by the Head of the Institution through a series of committees at the College and Department levels. Powers are delegated to these different bodies for the smooth functioning of the academic activities with the Principal having a supervisory role. The College Council, Staff Council, Department Staff Councils and the Parent Teacher Association assist the Head of the institution in the academic activities. Responsibilities are well defined and communicated to the staff through office communications and the meetings of the various committees. Efforts are on to utilize the Computerised LAN of the institution for communicating with the teaching departments and staff.

  2. How does the Management/Head of the institution ensure that adequate information (from feedback and personal contacts etc.) is available for the management, to review the activities of the institution?

    Department Staff Councils discuss the student feed back and overall academic performance through Staff meetings which are recorded properly. The College Council and PTA meetings similarly discuss feed back and academic progress which again are recorded and available for review as and when they are needed.

  3. How does the management encourage and support involvement of the staff for improvement of the effectiveness and efficiency of the institutional processes?

    Meeting of the College Council, Staff Council, PTA, Advisory Committee of the NSS and the Staff Club which are presided by the Principal are the platforms through which all stake holders are encouraged to perform in an effective manner for academic growth.

  4. Describe the leadership role of the Head of the institution, in governance and management of the institution.

    The Principal is the administrative and academic head of the institution who liaises with the Government and the higher administrative bodies of education in the State on the one hand and with the staff and students of the institution on the other hand. He establishes good rapport with these stakeholder groups and discharges his duties in an effective manner.

  1. Organizational Arrangements

    1. Give the organizational structure and details of the academic and administrative bodies of the institution. Give details of the meetings held, and the decisions taken by these bodies, regarding finance, infrastructure, faculty recruitment, performance evaluation of teaching and non-teaching staff, research and extension activities, linkages and examinations held during the last two years.



    The College administration is carried out by the Principal with the help of various bodies including the office, the College Council, the College Development Council and the Staff Council. Principal delegates duties and responsibilities to these bodies for carrying out the administrative activities.

The College Council is an advisory board that helps the Principal in dispensing his academic and administrative functions. It is composed of the Principal, the Head of Departments, Librarian and nominated faculty members. The Council periodically meets to decide upon major academic and administrative matters concerning the institution. Minutes of the Council meetings are circulated among the departments for information.

The Parent Teacher Association consists of elected members of staff and parents with Principal as the President and an elected Parent member as the Vice President. PTA General body meets annually and the Executive Committee members meet occasionally to transact business. The PTA fund is utilized for student welfare and for the development of the departments.

The College Development Committee has the District Collector as Chairman and holds periodic meetings to discuss infrastructural development and maintenance of the institution.


  1. To what extent is the administration decentralized? How does the institution collaborate with different sections/departments and personnel of the institution to improve the quality of its educational provisions?

    The administrative functions of the institution are mostly carried out in a participatory manner through committees. Major administrative decisions of the institution are taken in the meetings of the College Council and the College Development Committee. Teaching departments are given sufficient autonomy in taking decisions about the conduct of academic programmes. Teaching, evaluation and feed back systems are developed by the individual departments according to local situations.

  2. Does the institution have effective internal coordination and monitoring mechanisms? If yes, specify.

    Internal co ordination and monitoring is ensured through a network in which the College Council, Staff Council and the administration are involved. A two way flow of information takes place between these bodies.

  3. Does the institution have a Grievance Redressal Cell for its employees? If yes, what are its functions? List the number of grievances redressed during the last two years.

    The Principal is the appellate authority of the institution and all employee grievances received by the Principal are placed before the College Council which decides upon the issue based on facts. The minutes of the College Council is authentic record for the grievance redressals.

  4. How many times does the management meet the staff in an academic year? What are the major issues discussed during the last meeting?

    Staff meetings are normally held twice or thrice during every academic year. However, under special circumstances such as that of a new Principal taking charge or that of a serious issue affecting the entire college, special meetings are convened. In the Staff meeting that was convened last time, i.e,. in the month of ----------------matters relating to online attendance management system, discipline and conduct of examinations were discussed.

  5. Is there a Cell to prevent sexual harassment of women staff? How effective is the functioning of the Cell?

    In compliance with the directives of the Government based on the Supreme Court judgment, the College has set up a separate cell to prevent sexual harassment of women staff. One senior lady faculty member is the convener of this cell and it allows women staff to get their grievances redressed.

6.3 Strategy Development and Deployment

  1. Describe the procedure of developing the perspective institutional plan. How are the Teachers, Students and Administrators involved in the planning process?

    The institution, being affiliated to the University of Kerala, has limited role in developing the perspective institutional plan. The College develops plans to comply with the broad guidelines being issued by the University and the Government from time to time in the successful conduct of the academic programmes. The College Council is the supreme planning body of the institution which discusses and develops institutional plans to match with those issued by the University. Developmental issues of the institution are discussed in the College Development Committee which has the District Collector as its Chairman.

  2. How are the objectives communicated and deployed to all levels, to ensure individual employee's contribution for the institutional development?

    All administrative decisions of the College Council are taken keeping in view of the Vision and Mission of the institution. The objectives of the various academic activities to be taken up during any year are properly communicated through meetings and office circulars.

  3. List the different committees constituted for the management of different institutional activities? Give details of the meetings held and the decisions taken, regarding academic management, finance, infrastructure, faculty, research, extension and linkages, and examinations held during the last two years.

    As already mentioned the administrative system is to a great extent decentralized and works through various committees. The IQAC is a committee that has been set up in the institution in accordance with the UGC's directives to promote quality initiatives in teaching, learning, administration and student support.

  4. Has the institution an MIS in place, to select, collect, align and integrate data and information on the academic and administrative aspects of the institution?

    The administration is undergoing reforms towards achieving office automation. All organs of the institution such as the academic system, administration and the student support system are now part of a Local Area Network (LAN). It is expected that the institution would channelise all its data and information handling systems, which at present is done through manual methods, through a Management Information System.

  5. Does the institution use the various data and information obtained from the feedback, in decision-making and performance improvement? If yes, give details.

    Student feedback, feed back from the Class PTA and the general PTA meetings and the inputs given by the teaching departments to the College Council are also considered while decisions are taken on improving the academic performance and administrative management.

  6. What are the institution's initiatives for promoting co-operation, sharing of knowledge, innovations and empowerment of the faculty? (Skill sharing across departments, creating/providing conducive environment, etc.)

    Faculty members co operate in the areas of student development, sharing of expertise acquired through training and international programmes and in student support. Teaching departments encourage interdisciplinary classes during tutorial sessions utilizing faculty from other departments. Similarly, IQAC takes initiative in organizing programmes that enable faculty members share their experiences gained through training.

6.4 Human Resource Management

  1. What are the mechanisms for performance assessment (teaching, research, service) of faculty and staff? (Self–appraisal method, comprehensive evaluation by students and peers). Does the institution use the evaluations to improve teaching/ research of the faculty and service of the faculty by other staff? If yes, how?

    The institution uses self appraisal method and comprehensive assessment by students to assess the performance of the faculty and staff. The feed back is communicated to the respective faculty members and staff for better performance. Department staff meetings address broad issues in teaching-learning pointed out by the students and suggest appropriate corrective measures to address them.

  2. What are the welfare measures for the staff and faculty? (mention only those which affect and improve staff well-being, satisfaction and motivation)

    The strategies adopted by the Department of Collegiate Education, Government of Kerala for faculty welfare include monetary benefits for those with higher qualifications such as M.Phil and Ph.D and benefits in promotion schemes for those possessing Ph.D degree. At the institutional level, the College Council motivates faculty members through appreciations for merit and talent and by providing opportunities for self expression. The Staff Club of the College is committed to faculty welfare and it offers a platform for members having talents in the field of arts.


  3. What are the strategies and implementation plans of the institution, to recruit and retain faculty and other staff who have the desired qualifications, knowledge and skills?

    The institution being owned by the Government is subject to the recruitment policies and procedures of the Kerala State Public Service Commission in accordance to the U.G.C norms and conditions and the rules laid by the State Government and the University of Kerala from time to time. Faculty members are selected through a competitive examination and interview conducted by the Public Service Commission. To fill short term gaps in faculty positions that arise due to long leave and other causes, the institution recruits guest faculty from qualified graduates with requisite skills in accordance with Government rules and procedures. The staff is recruited by the PSC by interviewing qualified candidates in accordance with Government norms on recruitment of staff.

  4. What are the criteria for employing part-time/adhoc faculty? How are the recruitment conditions of part-time/adhoc faculty different from that of the regular faculty? (Eg. salary structure, workload, specialisations).

    When a need arises for guest faculty, the institution advertises the same in the news papers (local and national). Walk in interviews are held on a designated date and candidates are selected based on merit. While the regular faculty receives pay according to the pay fixed by the Government, the guest faculty is paid a consolidated sum taking into account the number of teaching hours engaged by each.

  5. What are the policies, resources and practices of the institution that support and ensure the professional development of the faculty? (Eg. budget allocation for staff development, sponsoring for advanced study, research, participation in seminars, conferences, workshops, etc. and supporting membership and active involvement in local, state, national and international professional associations).

    The institution promotes professional development of the faculty to a great extent. The Plan fund is appropriately utilized for professional development by enabling the Teaching departments to organize seminars, conferences and workshops. Faculty members of the institution actively take part in national and international seminars and conferences both in the Country and abroad. The institution encourages faculty members to get trained through training programmes and workshops in their respective areas. Most of the teaching staff have membership in professional bodies, both national and international.

  6. How do you assess the needs of the faculty development? Has the institution conducted any staff development programmes for skill up-gradation and training of the staff? If yes, give details.
  7. What are the facilities provided to faculty? (Well-maintained and functional office, infrastructure and other space to carry out their work effectively etc.,)

    Faculty members are given adequate facilities for their academic work. While there are separate office rooms for faculty members in some departments, some others have common rooms and rooms for groups. All staff members including non teaching staff are given required office furniture including table, chair and shelf. Provisions are made in staff rooms for internet connectivity through the LAN facility.

6.5 Financial Management and Resource Mobilization

6.5.1 Does the institution get financial support from the Government? If yes, mention the grants received in the last three years under different heads. If no, give details of the sources of revenue and income generated during the last three years?

  1. What is the quantum of resources mobilized through donations? Give information for the last two years.
  2. Is there adequate budget to cover the day-to-day expenses? If no, how is the deficit met?
  3. What are the budgetary resources to fulfill the institution's mission and offer quality programmes? (Budget allocations over the past two years (provide income expenditure statements)
  4. Are the accounts audited regularly? If yes, give the details of internal and external audit procedures and the audit reports for last two years.
  5. Has the institution computerized its finance management systems? If yes, give details.


6.6 Best Practices in Governance and Leadership

  1. What are the significant best practices in Governance and Leadership carried out by the institution?


For Re-accreditation:


The same assessment framework will be used. However, additional information has to

be provided for the following probes:


  1. What were the evaluative observations made under Organisation and Management in the previous assessment report and how have they been acted upon?


  1. What are the other quality sustenance and enhancement measures undertaken by the institution since the previous Assessment and Accreditation with regard to Organisation and Management?


* Responses to questions from 6.1.1 to 6.1.7 should be based on data of five years after accreditation


Criterion VII : Innovative Practices


7.1 Internal Quality Assurance System

7.1.1 What mechanisms have been developed by the institution for quality assurance within the existing academic and administrative systems?

    The College Council headed by the Principal, the tutorial groups within the teaching departments, department staff meetings and assessment and feedback of students are the important mechanisms developed for quality assurance. The College has an Internal Quality Assurance Cell and a Research Committee to ensure Quality.

7.1.2 What are the functions carried out by the above mechanisms in the quality enhancement of the institution?

Almost all academic and non academic matters relating to the institutions are discussed and reviewed by the College Council. These include conduct of the academic activities, utilization of development funds, discipline and co curricular activities. The Council takes appropriate decisions from time to time to raise the academic standards of the institution within the administrative framework. The IQAC monitors quality initiatives of the Teaching departments and meets twice in a year to evaluate the teaching/learning practices within the institution. The Research Committee headed by a Convenor monitors and suggests reforms for the research activities within the institution.

7.1.3 What role is played by students in assuring quality of education imparted by the institution?

    Students actively take part in the academic activities, especially in utilizing the advanced facilities in the Online Education and Research Centre, Library and the Teaching departments to raise the quality of learning. The feed back provided by the students on teaching and effectiveness of curricular transactions contribute considerably towards ensuring quality of education.    

7.1.4 What initiatives have been taken up by the institution to promote best practices in the institution? How does the institution ensure that the Best Practices have been internalized?

     The IQAC and the Research Committee encourages departments to innovate in the areas of teaching/learning and research. Best practices that evolve in these areas are discussed in the council meetings and the staff meetings of the institution. Faculty members are encouraged to take part in national and international seminars, conferences and workshops to get acquainted with the latest developments in their respective domains. Faculty members who undergo training get opportunities to share their experiences in the department staff meetings. IQAC also organizes programmes to facilitate the dissemination of such acquired expertise and knowledge.

The Online Student Support being offered by few teachers of the Department of Geology is worth mentioning here. Teachers have established a Google group, as a platform for interaction between students, professional alumni and teachers. An online mock interview was organized for the UPSC Geologists Examination Interview in 2008.

    The Department of English has instituted several innovative practices for student development. This includes a Literary Club and a Drama Club which organizes frequent programmes. Poster exhibitions of literary figures with detailed information about their works and achievements conducted annually by students and teachers provide an innovative learning experience.

7.1.5 In which way has the institution added value to the quality enhancement of students?

    The institution has established several mechanisms to add value to the quality enhancement of students. The Geoforum of the Department of Geology ( Friday meetings which help students in soft skill development), Debate club of the Department of English and Quiz club of the College give special attention to quality enhancement of students. Besides, the Co curricular activities organized by the NCC, NSS, the Navy and the Women's Study unit give special emphasis to personality and skill development in students.

7.2 Inclusive practices

  1. What practices have been taken up by the institution to provide access to students from the following sections of the society:
    1. Socially-backward
    2. Economically-weaker and
    3. Differently-abled

For 7.2.1 a,b and c - The institution is owned by the State Government it strictly adheres to the reservation policy laid down by the government to provide access to students from the disadvantaged sections of the society. In both U.G and P.G programmes, seats are allocated to the SC, ST, OBC, and Differently abled. More over the SC & ST and the OBC enjoy fee concessions and avail government scholarships and grants.

7.2.1 What efforts have been made by the institution to recruit 1) Staff from the disadvantaged communities? Specify?

  1. teaching
  2. non-teaching

Teaching and Non teaching staff are recruited by the Kerala State Public Service Commission, in accordance with the norms that have been laid down regarding reservation of posts for the disadvantaged communities. Hence their representation is ensured in the different posts in the institution.

7.2.2 What special efforts are made to achieve gender balance amongst students and staff?

    At present there is no special effort in this direction as there is no provision for gender based reservations for student admission or staff recruitment. Merit and reservation norms forms the basis of student admissions to different programmes.

7.2.3 Has the institution done a gender audit and/or any gender-related sensitizing courses for the staff/ students? Give details.

    The institution has gender specific data about the students and staff. For example, in the year 2007-08, there were 1503 boys, 1215 girls, 177 male staff and 97 female staff. The Women's Study unit of the College organizes various programmes aimed at women empowerment and skill development among the girl students and lady staff.

7.2.4 What intervention strategies have been adopted by the institution to promote the overall development of students from rural/ tribal backgrounds?

Tutorial sessions are utilized by group tutors to assess the overall academic progress of the students. Special problems faced by students in learning and other academic activities are addressed in these sessions. Students from rural/tribal backgrounds who have adjustability problems in terms of curriculum transactions or related issues are taken care of by the concerned group tutors.


7.2.5 Does the institution have a mechanism to record the incremental academic growth of the students admitted from the disadvantaged sections?

     Teaching departments monitor the academic progress of students during every term by class tests,and group tutor reports. This takes into account all sections of students.

7.2.6 What initiatives have been taken by the institution to promote social-justice and good citizenship amongst its students and staff? How have such initiatives reached out to the community?


    Co curricular activities carried out through the NSS, NCC, Navy and Women's Study unit promote the cause of value education in students. Similarly the National festivals and National Days are celebrated by the entire community of the institution which includes students, teachers and non-teaching staff. The annual special camps being organized by the National Service Scheme units of the college select rural areas as their venues and community development as the theme. Extension activities are also being carried out by teaching departments. The social contacts that the students establish through such contacts help them develop good citizen ship.


7.3 Stakeholder relationships

7.3.1 How does the institution involve all its stakeholders in planning, implementation and evaluation of the academic programmes?

         The institution is affiliated to the University of Kerala and hence it has a limited and indirect role in the planning of the academic programmes. Members of the Faculty who are part of the various bodies of the University including the Syndicate, the Senate, the Academic Council and the various Boards of Studies involve in planning, implementation and evaluation of academic programmes. Stakeholders of the institution do involve themselves in the implementation and evaluation of academic programmes through various bodies such as the College Council, Staff Council, Departmental Committees and the PTA which review the performance of the different programmes of the institution.

7.3.2 How does the institution develop new programmes to create an overall climate conducive to learning?

The institution promotes innovations in the Teaching-Learning processes that take place from time to time to enable effective learning. Use of educational technology in the process is an example for this. The tutorial system takes care of the differently-abled learners by providing them additional opportunities for learning.

7.3.3 What are the key factors that attract students and stakeholders, to the institution and result in stakeholder satisfaction?

    The College, established in the year 1866 is a Heritage institution in the heart of the capital city of Thiruvananthapuram. The institution is owned by Government and it functions in a fair, just and judicious manner thereby has earning the trust of the society. The College has contributed considerably to development of the human resource of the Country. Alumni of the College occupy key positions in India and abroad. The prestigious alumni of the College include Late Mr. K.R. Narayanan, Former President of India, Dr. Madhavan Nair, Chairman, ISRO and ………….

7.3.4 How does the institution elicit the cooperation from all stakeholders to ensure overall development of the students, considering the curricular and co-curricular activities, research, community orientation and the personal/ spiritual development of the students?

Curricular transactions are made effective by the co operation of the teachers, students and the non teaching staff. The periodic meetings of the College Council, Staff Council, Department Staff Committees and IQAC discuss about the academic progress and the implementation of different programmes as well as motivates the stake holders. Advisory Committee of the National Service Scheme is a body that meets to make the community service programmes effective.

7.3.5 How do you anticipate public concerns in your current and future programme offerings and operations?

    Meetings of the PTA and the IQAC give opportunities for people other than from the institution to air their views and opinion regarding the academic programmes and co curricular activities. These suggestions are considered by the College administration while making suitable amendments to the academic transactions.

7.3.6 How does the institution promote social responsibilities and citizenship roles among the students? Does it have any exclusive programme for the same?

    Value education is imparted through the different Co curricular programmes being organized by the National Service Scheme, National Cadet Corps and Indian Navy units. The Community programmes such as Health Survey, Environmental awareness campaign and Socio economic surveys being organized during the vacations provide opportunities for students to develop social networking skills.

7.3.7 What are the institutional efforts to bring in community-orientation in its activities?

The institution promotes voluntary blood donation of students to poor patients of local hospitals, provides financial support through voluntary contributions to the poor and needy who approach the authorities, and responds to the calls of the state government in giving financial assistance to disaster victims (such those affected by the Tsunami of 2004). The institution participates in the various campaigns of the City Corporation directed towards environmental management and health care. These are the various efforts being done by the institution towards Community service.

7.3.8 How does your institution actively support and strengthen the neighborhood communities? How do you identify community needs and determine areas of emphasis for organizational involvement and support?

     The National Service Scheme, National Cadet Corps and the Indian Navy units are the organs of the institution through which it interacts with the community. Programme Officers of the NSS are in liaison with the Panchayat authorities and they design the co curricular activities to suit the demands of the society. The institution also maintains contact with various organizations that work for community development. These include the Kerala State AIDS Control Society, the Indian Medical Association, Red Cross, Blood donors forum and the District Legal Services Authority. Legal literacy campaigns are organized every year in the institution with the support of the District Legal Services Authority.

7.3.8 How do the faculty and students contribute in these activities?

    Faculty and students have an active role in these activities as they organize the programmes, liaise with the organizations and work on a voluntary basis. Members of the faculty are part of the Advisory Committee of the National Service Scheme and they attend meetings, annual special camps and special programmes of then NSS. The annual ten day camp of the year 2007-08 which was organized in a sub urban Panchayat area Focused upon Environmental Awareness Campaign. An Environmental status map of selected areas of the Panchayat was prepared by the NSS Volunteers. Entire student community participates in major programmes directed towards health care and Environmental awareness.

7.3.9 Describe how your institution determines student satisfaction, relative to academic benchmarks? Do you update the approach in view of the current and future educational needs and challenges?

Teaching departments elicit student responses at the end of every academic programme through meetings, and Feed back forms. The questionnaire given to the students addresses key issues such as student rating of the effectiveness of the programmes and their suggestions. These help the institution to benchmark its programmes. Faculty members who are part of the decision making bodies of the University of Kerala for academic programmes suggest modifications in approach in view of the changing needs and challenges.

7.3.10 How do you build relationships?

  • to attract and retain students
  • to enhance students performance and
  • to meet their expectations of learning


The institution has a well experienced faculty that strives constantly to impart quality education to the Students. Students of the College are mostly from middle class and poor families who cannot afford expensive education of private colleges. They approach the institution which is a Heritage institution of the State which has a proven track record in academic performance. Class PTA meetings help teachers Maintain contact with the parents and keep them informed of their wards' performances. The institution is people friendly and hence parents and the general public have free access for information and assistance. Modern facilities such as Central Computing, Language Laboratories and Audio Visual laboratories enable Students to meet challenges of the present day world.

  1. What is your complaint management process? How do you ensure that these complaints are resolved promptly and effectively? How are complaints aggregated and analyzed for use in the improvement of the organization, and for better stakeholder-relationship and satisfaction?

    General complaints received by the Principal regarding serious discipline issues are dealt by the College Council which authorizes a sub committee headed by a senior faculty member to probe and report. Action is taken on the basis of the report as a solution to the issue. Specific complaints of students are placed before the Staff Council of the concerned departments where the members discuss and find a solution. Complaints that demand a corrective action in the academic activities are given due weight age by acting upon the same.

For Re-accreditation:


The same assessment framework will be used. However, additional information has to be provided for the following probes:


  • How are the Core Values of NAAC reflected in the various functions of the institution?


* Responses to questions from 7.1.1 to 7.3.11 should be based on data of five years after accreditation




Criterion V Student Support and Progression


5.1.1 Profile (General, SC/ST, OBC) of students for the last two batches






















































  1. What are the efforts made by the Institution to minimize the drop out rate and facilitate course completion by the students?

    All the Teaching departments offer counseling to the students through their interactions outside the class hours in the tutorial sessions. The economically backward students get the benefit of financial assistance of the Government in the form of Scholarships. Various Endowment prizes and Merit awards instituted in the different departments offer the students a motivation to excel in their studies. Class PTA meetings organized at the department level addresses issues such as student absenteeism, and underperformance.

  2. On an average, what percentage of the students progress to further studies and for employment? Give details for the last two years (U.G to P.G to Ph.D and/ or to employment?

Under Graduate level

Year of pass  

Higher studies  


Self Employment





12 % 







Post Graduate level

Year of pass  

Higher studies  


Self Employment 



25 % 

45 % 

15 %  



20 % 


20 % 



  1. How does the institution facilitate the placement of its outgoing students? What proportions of the graduating students have been employed? (Average of the last five years)

    A Placement cell functions in the college to assist in student placement by arranging job interviews and examinations by the private and Multinational companies in India. The cell also supports students by giving counseling and through personality development programmes. Timely information about different job openings in different sectors of the Indian job market is provided to students through notices and circulars.

    1. How does the institution facilitate and support students for appearing and qualifying in various competitive examinations/ Give details of the number of students coached, appeared and qualified in various competitive examinations. (Average of the last five years) (UGC-CSIR NET, SLET, GATE, CAT, GRE, TOEFL, GMAT, Civil Services Exam etc)

      Individual departments support students in preparing for UGC-CSIR NET examinations by conducting orientation classes during the tutorial sessions. The College has a Coaching centre dedicated for training students for appearing in the UPSC Civil Services (Preliminary)Examination in which about 90-100 students are trained every year in two batches. Students are also assisted in appearing for the examinations like GATE. Interactions of students with meritorious alumni being organized by the departments also help students in preparing for these competitive examinations.

    2. Give a comparative analysis of the institutional academic performance with reference to other colleges of the affiliating University and the University average. (Pass percentage, distinctions, gold medals, and University Ranks)

Under Graduate


Pass Percentage  


























Pass percentage 


























  1. Student Support

5.2.1 Does the institution publish its updated prospectus, handbook and other student information material annually? If yes, what is the information disseminated to students through these publications?

The College publishes an annual calendar and prospectus giving information about the various departments, courses being offered, their intake and other infrastructural facilities available. The information about the college and its departments is also available in the college website

  1. Does the institution provide financial aid to students? If yes, specify the type and number of scholarships/freeships given to the students during the last academic year by the institution (other than those provided by the social welfare departments of the State or Central Governments)

    Apart from the Govt. scholarships and fee concessions there are several initiatives at the department level to give financial assistance to needy students. Endowment awards have been instituted by several departments to give cash benefits to meritorious students. Besides, faculty members of various departments help students in remitting examination fees and in other needy situations.

  2. Give details of schemes for student welfare? (Insurance, subsidized canteen facilities, special diets, student counseling support, 'earn while you learn' scheme etc).

    The College, being a public institution has several student welfare schemes. There is a College canteen that provides food at subsidized rates for students. The Women's study unit has over the last five years organized programmes aimed at the welfare of girl students. These included training in Artificial flower making, life skills development, legal counseling and personality development. The National Service Scheme units of the College organizes programmes aimed at development of student personality through annual ten day camps, special programmes such as the Legal literacy classes conducted on an annual basis and training programmes.

    The job oriented add on courses such as the one on Travel and tourism offered at the Degree level is aimed at imparting professional skills to students. Students of the college are sent to various outside the campus programmes such as quiz, debate and other competitions. The NCC and Navy units of the College conducts several programmes every year to develop student personality and skills.

    The National Service Scheme has now four units in the College with a total capacity of 400 volunteers. Annual programmes of the NSS such as the Legal Literacy Classes for Graduate Students and the Annual Ten day special camps are aimed at developing student personalities in a holistic manner. Besides, volunteers get opportunities to attend state and national camps being organized by the NSS. In the National Camp held in Chennai during January, 2008, Mr. Rahul, volunteer secretary of the College unit was selected as a best participant. Programme Officers and Volunteer Secretaries of the NSS take active role in the organization of various programmes at the College level.

  3. What types of support services are available to overseas students?

    Overseas students are given support during their initial college days in adjusting to the new environment. This is being done by the concerned group tutor. Besides the College gives special assistance to these students in terms of getting a hostel accommodation and overcoming language barriers.

  4. Give details of the placement and counseling services for the students?

    The student placement and guidance cell at the college level offers facilities for students to improve their job skills as well as to find suitable job placements. The placement cell, upon request from prospective employers, organizes campus recruitment programmes. The Cell has organized several such drives during the last five years and a total of about 85 students have got placement in multinational companies. Companies such as the Infosys, TCS, Tata AIG, Wipro and ITC have recruited final year graduate students from the College through Campus interviews.

  5. How does the institution encourage and develop entrepreneurial skills among the students?

    Skill development programmes such as the ones organized by the Womens' study unit, NSS and NCC units help development of entrepreneurial skills in students.

  6. Does the faculty participate in academic and personal counseling? If yes, please give details of services provided during the last academic year?

    The faculty members engage students in counseling to solve academic and personal issues at the department level. The staff council of the department discusses issues regarding student participation in academic activities and the need for support. The Student grievance cells at the department level are a platform personal counseling for students. The Class PTA meetings organized by the departments last year was specially meant for addressing personal issues of students related to education.

  7. Is there a separate guidance and counseling centre for women students? If yes, enumerate the activities of the centre.

    The Women's Study unit of the college is specially designed for the purpose of welfare of the women students. The various programmes organized during the last five years are:

Sl. No. 



Nature of programme 




March 2004 

Women Empowerment  


Smt. Sugatha kumari 


October, 2004  

Legal Campus Clinic


Addl. Sub Judge, Shri. S.S. Vasan  


November, 2005 

'Life Skill Development for Women Empowerment' 


Dr. Sarada Rajeevan 


November, 2005 

Artificial flower making  

Training programme 

Dr. Valsala kumari  


February, 2006 

Violence against women


Dr. T.N. Seema  


October, 2007 

Women and Society 


Dr. B. Sandhya IPS 


November, 2007 

Women and Law  


Advt. Geena Kumary 


December, 2007 

Dowry System  



A.G. Oleena 


October, 2007 

Women and Society


Dr. B. Sandhya IPS 


March, 2008 

International Women's Day 


Smt K.K. Shylaja MLA 


  1. Is there a cell/committee constituted for prevention/action against sexual harassment of women students? If yes, detail its constitution and enumerate its activities (issues addressed during the last two years)

    Yes, the College has constituted a committee for the prevention of harassment of women students. A lady faculty member is the Convenor of the Committee and there are nominated faculty members.

  2. Does the institution have a grievance redressal cell? If yes, what are its functions? Detail the major grievances addressed during the last two years.

    Every department has a grievance cell comprising the staff council and led by the Head of the Department. Student complaints are addressed to the Head who then passes it on to the staff council. Serious issues are discussed in the staff meetings and the rest are sorted out in an informal manner. Student feed back about teachers and teaching is collected regularly and forms the basis for quality improvement.

    However, under special circumstances the College Council sets up special bodies to resolve serious issues that affect students and college.

  3. Is there a provision for acquiring computer skills/literacy for all students in the curriculum? If yes, give details on how it is imparted, and level of proficiency.

    The Curriculum doesn't provide for the acquisition of computer skills for all students. However, the College has a Computer Centre that caters to the needs of the student community. The computer operator employed by the College PTA gives special assistance to students reaching the centre in basic computing skills and also in internet browsing. Besides, the tutorial sessions organized at the department level give opportunities to students for acquiring these skills.

  4. What value-added courses are introduced by the institution to develop life skills; career training; community orientation; good citizenship and personality development of students?

    Field visit to jail and Rehabilitation centers by students and teachers of the Department of Philosophy in the year 2008 was an exercise aimed at inculcating the social responsibility in students. Distribution of food to the inmates using the funds donated by alumni was another exercise in this direction.

    Annual ten day camps of the NSS as well as the training camps of the NCC and the Navy give special emphasis to developing a good value system in students. Personality development is another aim of such programmes.

  5. How does the institution ensure safety and security of the students, faculty and the institutional assets?

    The College has posted two security guards by utilizing the PTA funds to ensure the safety and security of the students, faculty and the institutional assets. Besides during night time there is a watch man on duty who takes care of the institutional assets.

  6. Student Activities

5.3.1 Does the institution have an Alumni Association?

The college has an alumni association whose meetings are mostly organized in the college campus itself in which many senior alumni participate. The meetings also discuss the steps to be taken for the development of the College. These suggestions are conveyed to the College council through the Principal who adopt the possible suggestions. Besides, there are also Department wise alumni associations, of which the ones maintained by the Physics and Chemistry Departments are notable.

The University College Alumni Senior Citizen's Association (UCASA) is a registered body (Reg. No. T 4035/06) and its current office bearers are:

    President          :     Mr. S. Ayyappan Nair IAS (Rtd)

    Vice President : 1. Mr. S. sukumaran Potti

                 2. Capt. N.N. Nair (Rtd)

    Secretary        : Col. N.J. Sankar (Rtd)

    Treasurer        : M. S. A. Azeem

There are a total of about 300 registered members. The website of the association is

Activities during the last two years - During the last two years the alumni association has participated in the several developmental activities of the College. This included financial assistance to meritorious students of the college and assistance towards the beautification of the college campus.

Details of the top ten alumni occupying prominent positions

Details of the contribution of alumni to the growth and development of the institution.

Alumni association as well as alumnus individually interact with the College and respective departments in student motivational Programmes, development discussions and academic support.

  1. How does the institution encourage the students to participate in extra curricular activities including sports and games? Give details on the achievement of students during the last two years. (Institution level, Inter University/Inter state/National/International)?

    The staff advisor of the College takes initiative in the over all welfare of students. Besides, the college has given charge to faculty members to support students who participate in quiz programmes, arts fests and sports competitions. Faculty member in charge of quiz and debate selects students for various inter collegiate and state level competitions. Many students of the college have over the past won prestigious quiz competitions. The College gives special attention to the students participating in the University Youth festivals. Two faculty members including one lady lecturer are appointed as accompanying teachers to support the student participants. Also, the PTA spends considerable sum for the student expenses incurred in connection with such events. Miss. of the final B.A. English secured the maximum points in the Kerala University Youth Festival of 2007 and got the prestigious Kalathilakam title.

    The Department of Physical Education organizes special training camps to prepare students for sports and games both within and outside the state. The College Hand ball team has won the South India Inter University Hand Ball competitions organized at Trivandrum in 2008 and University level competitions in St. Cyril's College, Adoor in 2007. Mr. Rajeshkumar of II B.Sc Geology has won a National level title in the competitions in fencing held during December 2008. Mr Abhiram of I B.Sc Zoology represented the State and the University in Water polo at the national level and won First prize. Besides, several students from the college has won several sports awards and recognitions.

    Miss. Binitha A.N. Research Scholar, Department of Zoology won the Young Scientist Award at the State level in 2007.

  2. How does the institution involve and encourage students to publish materials like catalogues, wall magazines, college magazine, and other material?

    A faculty member is given charge of guiding and supporting students in the publishing of a college magazine. College magazines published annually give opportunities to students to express their literary skills.

    Besides, individual departments also encourage students in literary activities. The Exhibition of famous writers organized by the students of the Department of English in the year 2008 was with the active support of the department faculty, both in terms of financial assistance and creative support.

    The annual ten day camps being organized by the National Service Scheme units of the College devote special attention in this regard. Students with the guidance of the Programme officers publish wall papers on all camp days describing the camp activities in a creative fashion.

  3. Does the College have a student council or any similar body? Give details on its constitution, major activities and funding.

    The College has a democratically elected student union which looks after student welfare through its various programmes. The College Union comprises a Chairman, Vice Chairman, General Secretary, Treasurer, Arts Club Secretary and Representatives from the Departments. Besides, there are two University Union Councillors who represent the College students in the Kerala University Union. The major activities of the union include organizing of general debates, discussions and talks on relevant issues involving local leaders, ministers and people from the literary field, Arts Fest of two days that give opportunities to students to express their talents, Film fest and College Day. Staff Advisor and other faculty members assist students in the holding of competitions. College union receives funds for its various programmes from the donations from students and faculty as well as from the PTA. University Union also supports the College Union in organizing different programmes.

  4. Give details of the various academic and administrative bodies and their activities (academic and administrative), which have student representations in them.

    Academic bodies which have student representation include

  5. Does the institution have a mechanism to seek and use data and feed back from its graduates and from employers, to improve the growth and development of the institution?

    Alumni who work in different professional organizations give feed back about the effectiveness of the academic training they underwent in the institution. Similarly, employers who interact with the Placement cell give valuable inputs on student capabilities.

  1. Best Practices in Student Support and Progression

5.6.1 Give details of institutional best practices towards Student Support and Progression

    Alumni, during their visit to the departments where they studied are involved in awareness programmes for junior students. The Geoforum of the Department of Geology takes special interest in involving alumni in sharing their experiences for the benefit of the existing students. The Student Acheivers' Day organized on 10 December 2008 by the Geoforum in the Department of Geology is a case in point. Former students who got selected in various professional organizations at national and international levels were invited and asked to share their experiences. They were also given mementos by the department.

The Literary club, Drama club and the Debating club of the Department of English in which students and teachers are involved is a notable venture in the direction of student support and progression.

Medical support given to needy students by the Department of History is a different exercise aimed at student support. Volunteers of the National Service Scheme take part in voluntary blood donation to needy patients in Government Hospitals. The College got the Blood Donors Award of the State Government for the year 2007.

Evaluative observations made in the previous NAAC assessment report and how they have been acted upon

  1. A formal Grievance redressal mechanism for students needs to be established

    The College now has Greivance redressal cells at the college and department level. At the College level this has been tied up with the Anti Ragging cell comprising a committee with Principal as the Chairman. The cell receives complaints from students and acts upon the merit of the case. In the case of a complaint or a grievance the concerned department committee is asked to report within a week about the issue. The Council then places it before its meeting to take appropriate action. The Department committees act in tandem with the College level cell and have the Head as the convenor and all faculty members as members. In September, 2008 the college organized an anti ragging awareness campaign through these cells in which legal experts took classes.

  2. Student evaluation of Teachers could be mandatory

    The Departments have now a formal mechanism to collect feed back from the students in a printed format. Teacher evaluation of students is conducted during the final year of the academic programs and the assessment sheets are collected by the Head of the Departments. The Head then summons individual teachers and apprise him/her of his/her performance as assessed by the students.

  3. A student Advisory Bureau could be established for advising students about the courses/programmes in India and Abroad

    The College has established a Student help desk to advise students about opportunities in higher education. This desk also helps students in getting information about examinations, both at the University and at the National level.

  4. Establishment of a formal placement cell could also be explored

    The College has a formal placement and guidance cell with a faculty member as its Convenor. The Cell has been able to arrange campus interviews by leading national and multinational companies and over 85 students have got placement over the last five year period. Besides, the cell also conducts awareness classes for the students on placement opportunities.

  5. The College needs to activate Alumni Association at an early date

There is an active Alumni Association for the college which holds frequent meetings. The office bearers interact with the Principal and the members of the IQAC on issues relating to the state of the College. These suggestions are given due weightage and are discussed and acted upon.